Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday September 19

I helped out in the office this morning while Dad went to the gym.
I should have spent time cleaning......but instead I worked on my project :)
More sanding and painting.
I am excited with how it is turning out :)
But Dad got some work done.
The lawnmower was having troubles, so he took that apart to figure out the problem.
He fixed that and then finished mowing the lawn.
I went back to the school at 1:30 for Porter's Art Smart class.
He has quite a large class!!!!
Good thing Ms. Sanders is amazing :)
After school, Porter had scouts.
We were actually all home to have dinner together this evening before the girls and I headed to mutual.
We played Human Foosball.
I think the kids all had fun.
Elsie played for a little bit, but then she ended up on the stage just kicking the ball.
Which I guess is good because it is more moving around and kicking then she was doing while playing the game :)
I stuck by Sierra to make sure she didn't get hit with one of the poles!
(I got pictures figured out!!!!!  Now I just need to catch the last few days up!)

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