Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday September 20

This evening was a bit crazy.
Both girls were involved in the school carnival.
Cassi got the whole thing organized with the student council.
Madi had a booth with Idaho Central Credit Union.
So after I took Elsie to decorate for a beehive birthday...…we picked up the boys and headed to the high school.
They had the humane society there with some puppies to hold :)
A climbing wall with the National Guard.
Madi booth was giving away $130 Proof sunglasses for kids who brought in their debit cards from ICCU or if they signed up for an account.
So we got Cassi signed up for one.
When we got home, I brought the table in that I have been working on.
It will make the perfect game table.....a.k.a. puzzle table for Porter and I :)
Now I just need to get some bookshelves put in the back of that space......someday.
One step at a time.

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