Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday August 14

It was a rough morning getting ready for church....but we made it :)
And it was a nice day.
After church we had lunch, then Cassi and I went and tried to welcome a new Beehive.....but they weren't home :(
After that, Cassi talked Elsie and I into going to choir!
It was a fun time, but I really cannot read notes.
I feel like I have an Alto voice, but have a hard time singing that part because I am stuck with the melody that the sopranos sing......
Anyway, I guess that is why there is practice, to learn the parts.
I told Cassi I haven't committed to going yet........but it was fun.
Elsie had a lot of fun :)
Then we had dinner and after dinner we did our General Conference talk.
It has been several weeks since we have done it, so it was nice to get back to it!
This weeks talk was by M. Russell Ballard.
His talk was Family Councils.
It was a great talk.
Something we have recommitted to being better at.
He talks about the different kind of councils there are, full family, partial family, one on one, and just the parents.
We do all that, just never really call them 'councils'.
But we did decide we would like to have at least a monthly Family Council and that Sundays would be the best day.
So I look forward to those :)
Could be just the little boost the family needs right now.
I loved a lot about this talk.
But he mentioned a few times about the evils in the world and how easy it can enter the homes now with all that technology allows.
That we used to be able to close the doors of our homes and we would be protected.
Not anymore.
But that holding family councils, that start with prayer, will serve as a protection families so desperately need right now.
Who doesn't want extra protection from the evils of this world!?!?!?!
I know I do!
I want to do anything I can to give my family the strength it needs!
It's a great it (or watch it or listen to it...)  :)

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