Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday August 13

We did a bit of bed hopping last night.
After Port fell asleep, Cass was having a hard time sharing a bed with Elsie because they were both moving so much.
So I threw Port in with Elsie and Cass on the couch bed.
Then Port woke up in kind of a daze at like 4:30 and would not lay back down.....I think he was still asleep.
He has been doing that lately.
The other night he woke up and I laid him back down and then he said "Mom, can I just ask you one thing?  What just happened?"
It was kinda funny :)
Anyway......he ended up going to the bathroom for what seemed like 2 solid minutes!
He had a lot of pop at Applebee's!
Then Dad decided he wanted to swap beds with Cass because she was right by the AC.
So we put Port in with me, Cass with Elsie and Dad on the hide away couch bed :)
I woke up about 6:30 so I could go and pick Madi up on time.
It was so good to see her.
But man oh man has she been an emotional wreck!!!!!
Ha ha.....lots of emotions!
Happiness to see family, sadness to maybe not see these friends ever again, happy to get back home, sad to get back to real life....and all of this mixed in with lack of sleep!
Ya, she's been a blubbering fool all day :)
Ha ha!
We got back to the hotel and got everyone up and ate breakfast.
Then packed our stuff up and headed out.
We made a stop by Britt and Leith's house in Idaho Falls.
They were laying their sod and Dave and Cindy were down visiting too.
So we stopped by and helped them with their last little bit of sod and hung out for a little bit.
And Port had fun playing in the dirt with the Teagan and Cooper :)
It was a nice time.
Then the drive home, was surprisingly pretty good!
We got home and unloaded.
Brent had fixed my washer yesterday with that new part!
So I have been doing laundry all day!
Not much else went on.
Cassi will be trying out for Volleyball on Monday and we realized she needed knee pads.
So dad ran her to Walmart and Port wanted to go.
We said he could go if he didn't ask for anything.
Well, he was a good boy and stuck to his word and didn't ask for anything.
Well, Port is always asking to do that claw thing at the store.
He has done it a few times so we can show him that no one EVER wins those things!!!!
Well, dad wanted to reward him for not asking for he gave him 50 cents to do that claw machine.
The dang boy WON!
He was so excited......but us, well, we can't say no one ever wins, anymore :(

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