Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday August 22

Oh it was such an awesome day!!!!!
Happy first day of school to my little kiddos!
Everything went nice and smooth this morning getting everyone off to school.
Once I got to school with the little ones, Port wanted to head off to the playground to find Max and Graham.....
Elsie and I found where her backpack goes and then walked around and found some friends.
When the bell rang, she got lined up, listened to Ms Sanders instructions, and headed in class.
I followed in to make sure she knew the steps....get lunch card, hang backpack, etc.
Once she found her seat, she got out her pencil box to grab her pencil.
I said I loved her and told her how brave she was then headed out.....but then went back to remind her that she can do hard things and that if she needed help just to ask for help......then I started to leave again before I went back AGAIN to tell her more encouraging stuff and that was when she said in a very exasperated voice.....'Why do you keep coming back????'
Well, that was my cue that she was just fine without me :)
So I went back home.
It was so quiet.
A little lonely.....I cleaned the kitchen and then decided I need a nap!
Hey, don't judge!
It wasn't a long nap......and then I went to the store for a few grocery items.
When I got home, I made brownies for the kiddos after school snack.
Then Madi was home.
The day really did go by quickly.
Madi came home and said she needed to change her Honors biology to regular biology because she felt she emailed her counselor who changed it for her.
Then I got a text from Cass saying she forgot her tennis shoes for volleyball.
Silly girl.
I didn't let it bug me.....because she gets a pass on the first day of school :)
I ran the shoes for her and got back to Mary Mac in enough time to pick up the little ones.
Ms. Dynka works with Elsie in the afternoons and She said Elsie had a fantastic day.
I asked who her aide was in the a.m. and she said no one!
Elsie did the whole morning by herself, no melt downs, no problems and that could not make me any happier!
I guess they are short staffed in the resource room, that is why she had no aide........but I am going to push to keep her with no a.m. aide because, man, if she can do it on her own.....that will be so great!
She kept saying all day how much she LOVED Ms. Sanders.
I am so excited and happy that today went so well!
I think it will be a great year!!!!!!
With lots of growth for all of them!
We had dinner with Grant again.
After dinner, we told jokes and had a lot of fun....Cass made up some pretty funny stories too.
Then Bubbles invited us all over for some apple pie because she felt bad she missed the cow round-up last night :)
It was nice to just sit and talk and listen to the kids run around.
We just love it here!

These kids wanted to get some extra Mater snuggle time since they would be gone all day.
Mater has loved life lately since he has learned that he doesn't get chained up if he stays on our property......the kids spend so much time with him now :)
Smart puppy!

I am extra excited about Elsie's reinforced rubber toe shoes!!!!!!
Why did it take me so long to find these!!!!!!
Port's shoes are cool too :)

Port is loving his new big brother, Grant :)

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