Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday September 30

So we got the drain fixed today.
So we can go back to showering and doing dishes and stuff like that.
I am just so glad that it wasn't the septic backing up!!!!!
I was secretly really worried that that was going to be the problem!
We don't need problems like that right now!
I was playing around with the camera today......and Port was being a cutie :)
He stood there, and then told me when to take a picture each time he moved his arm....so I did.
When we were done, he said that now it will look like he's moving.
Smart boy :)
He also played with the boys today.
All of them.
They are funny all together.
They make me laugh....and sometimes a little bit worried.
Boys like to wrestle.
The girls didn't ever do that unless they were playing with Dad....but never with their friends....and never as rough as the boys do it.
They are all willing participants, but I still make them stop when I see them.
Am I mean???
Elsie's wasp sting is big and swollen and hot and red!
Poor girl.
She said it was itchy at school, and it was hurting too.
I gave her some Benadryl and she seemed to be able to go to sleep good tonight.
So hopefully it is feeling better in the morning!

This doesn't really show how red it really is :(

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Glad the drain got fixed that that it wasn't a bigger problem!

Port's photo series is pretty cool!

Elsie's poor leg!! Dang wasps!!