Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Wednesday October 1

Today was Art smart for Porter, where I am a helper, and not the main teacher.
The teacher was very gung ho!
The kids had a lot of fun.
They painted with marbles, and then they did a Jackson Pollock splatter painting outside.
I thought it was gonna be a huge mess, but it turned out all really well.
Came home, and Brent and Drew were putting up more siding.
I helped with cutting until I had to go get Port.
Then helped more once I got back home.
It went by pretty smoothly and quick with the three of us.
Tonight for YW, we went on a service scavenger hunt.
We split into two groups, and then went to houses and did different things for them.
Read a book to a kid, wash windows, teach a skill, learn a skill.
Madi wasn't in my group, but I got a picture of her with her group learning to do a dance :)
It was a fun night for all!
(Even though my team won, not Madi's :)

I saw this up on the board at school :)
Good work Elsie!

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Fun Art Smart project! Porter looks so cute looking back at you in the picture!!

The siding is looking so great!!!

What a fun scavenger hunt!! Great way to combine fun and service!!