Saturday, March 01, 2014

Saturday March 1 was a gloomy sad day for me.
Not sure why.
Just one of those days I would have rather curled up in a ball and cried.
But I didn't.
I tried to get some house cleaning done today.
Madi left at 10:00 to go to a birthday party, and it was harder to get things done around here without her to help out.
I didn't know when her party was gonna end either.
And her phone wasn't charged, so I couldn't get a hold of her.
It was a surprise party for a girl in our ward.
Finally at about 3:30 (yes, 5 1/2 hours later) I called the mom and talked to Madi.
I picked her up at 4, even though she begged to stay until 4:30.
But Cassi had plans to hang out with Kaiah (Porters teachers daughter) at 4.
So I needed Madi to come home and take care of the little ones when I dropped Cassi off and then ran some errands.
It worked out fine.
She had a lot of fun, and so did Cassi.
I went through all of Elsie's clothes today.
That was a job that was way over due.
I got rid of SO MANY of her clothes.
It is nice to have all her stuff fit in the dresser instead of a full dresser AND two laundry baskets that didn't fit :)
We also cleaned her room together.
Her 'cousins' have been hanging out in the living room, and she wanted to get them all in her bed.
She carefully arranges them in a specific spot.
She asked for my help, so I did, but then she moved every one that I put in there.
So I finally just ended up handing them to her, so she could place them.
She is a funny one, that Elsie :)
Oh, and she is particular with who is and who is NOT a 'cousin'.
You would think any old stuffed animal would work, but if you try to slip one in that does not belong, she lets you know.
There is no rhyme or reason with who gets to be one.
But I hope they call themselves lucky when they get the 'cousin' honor :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Sorry it was a gloomy day for you. :o( Tomorrow will be better!

You got a lot accomplished today! That's great!