Sunday, March 02, 2014

Sunday March 2

So yesterday Elsie was really stuffy and had a bit of a fever.
And she sneezed a lot, with a lot of boogers.
I took a tissue to clean her nose out (since she can't blow it herself very well) and noticed a very large bump back in the back. It looks like a slimy pink ball stuffed inside her left nostril.
It is to the outside side of the nostril rather than the inside, if that makes sense.
I believe she had her adenoids out when she had her tonsils out, and I can't think of what else it might be.
I know that her ear on that side tends to get clogged and stuffed up, if that is related at all.
I have noticed the bump before, but it is rather large now, almost blocking the full opening.
She did wake up with a fever again today, 101.2, so dad stayed home from church with her.
She seems completely fine except being so boogery....and I am sure the sneezing is most likely caused by the tickle that the lump must cause...maybe...I don't know.
So I think we are going to try and get her in to see the dr. tomorrow.
I hate keeping her home from school when she feels good, but she sounds terrible.
She sounds like she has something stuffed up her nose.
After church, the kids gathered around the table and kicked me out.
I wasn't allowed.
They are making/planning something for my birthday tomorrow, I guess.
I am excited to see the things they worked on :)
Madi Bell has been doing a lot of indexing lately.
They did it in Young Womans a little bit ago, and she thinks it is pretty cool.
She is thinking of using it as one of her 10 hour projects for YW.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Sorry about Elsie - no fun! :o(

I'm excited to see what the kids are planning for your birthday!!!