Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sunday Sept. 1

Today was a big day for Madi Bell!
She has been so worried all week about going up in sacrament meeting.....
And the bishop asked her to say an article of faith too.
She was a wreck.
But last night, Dad gave her a beautiful fathers blessing and this morning she felt nothing but calmness and peace.
She did a perfect job reciting the 13th Article of Faith.
And she got some fun birthday gifts and welcome gifts from the Young Woman's organization.
She is very excited about it all!!!
I am so excited for her to start her personal progress stuff.
And I am so excited to watch her learn and grow spiritually....
She is already so amazing.
Well, I made a deal with Elsie.
I told her that if she went to class today, then we could make Frankenstein rice crispy treats after church.
And yay!!!!!
It worked!!!!
I was so happy she went because I ended up having to take over for my nursery coordinator person, cause she was out sick.
So it was such a blessing for her to go!
Porter was actually really terrible in Sacrament meeting.....but he went to class and was really good there.
So I guess we will try again next week :(
He is always so much better for Dad.
But Dads at work.....
After church, Madi and Cassi got along really well for a good chunk of the afternoon.
Which, as you know, always makes me super happy :)
Madi got some fun nail art stuff from the Young Woman's group, and she also got some nail polish from her birthday party....
So they painted nails.
It was cute to hear them chatting away, and laughing.
I hope it only gets better with time.
That is my #1 mothers dream!
Then after dinner (which was breakfast :), we sat down and watched some TV while eating some cookies.
Port and I took some pictures of us lounging out (and goofy ones, of course).
He gets to start school on Tuesday, and he is so excited!!!

Madi is ALWAYS making goofy faces in pictures....
So I told her that if she's gonna make them, I am gonna post them!!!
Goof ball :)

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