Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday February 20

I took the big girls to the doctor today.
Madi needed her 12 year shots to register for next year.
And Cassi had a wart that needed to be frozen off.
Also a cough that has been around for months that I wanted Dr Allie to check out.
And while I was there I had Dr. Allie check Cassi's ears.
She did a hearing test and then they rinsed out her left ear......and a giant rock size thing came out.
Her ears get backed up so bad.
Madi wasn't too excited about the shots.
It's been a long time since she has had a shot :)
She got two in one arm and one in the other....
After the last shot, I helped her put her sleeve back in and then she told me she was tired.
I turned around to give the paper to the nurse, and Madi laid down on the bench.
I didn't think anything of it.
A few seconds later, the nurse went out to get some water to wash the stuff out of Cassi's ear, and Madi sat up.
She asked what happened and why she was laying down.
I looked at her and she was green.
She looked terrible.
Poor girl must have blacked out.
I feel so bad for not being aware of what was going on with many other things that I was paying attention of.
Poor girl.
She recovered quickly.
But I still feel bad.

Port man has played here and there with his Lego's.....
But today he spent most of the day building different things.
He was very creative and he was very calm.
Calm is good :)
I loved watching his little ind work to make different things.
And then when he would explain what he build....
Smart kid he is!

Here are some after shots of the family room.
I did the other side of the room today.....just didn't get a picture.
We still need to do the ceiling.
I am loving the color.
But mostly, we are loving the nice, neat, cleanness of it :)

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