Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday February 17

So Port had a fever yesterday and this morning.
So I stayed home with him from church.
Dad had to teach today in Priesthood meeting, and just as he was getting ready for church, a migraine came on.
Poor guy ended up going to church anyway, once his sight got better.
He took all the girls and off he went.
It took a while for the headache to go away, but he did his class anyway.
Kinda wish I was there to hear him....
He got Elsie to go to class too!
I am so proud of her.
And proud of my man for making it through the day.
When he got home, he went right to bed.
He still feels horrible.....but better then he was.
When both the boys woke up we decided to watch Lord of the Rings.
(I think we actually had some pretty great church-like discussions during the movie)
Oh, and Elsie wasn't into it.
She would rather color, or play on her pretend computer.
She is great at keeping herself busy :)
I think Port is doing better.
His fever wasn't as high when he went to bed.
And he was in a pretty good mood hopefully the fever is all we had to worry about this time.


Emily Peterson said...

So sorry about Porter and Brent. Glad they are feeling better.

I laughed so hard when I scrolled down and saw that picture of Port with the car in his mouth! Hilarious!! Crazy boy!!

Young family said...

Thanks for the laugh porter- Hope he is doing better today-