Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday February 16

Dad spent most of the day painting trim on the shop and well house.
Dad does not like painting.
But he did such a good job :)
He also painted the trim around the deck door.
I wish I had a before picture, cause it looked bad.
Remember we cut through cinder block????
It wasn't very pretty.
I think he did a great job patching it up and with it painted white, it sure looks pretty.
I spent most of my day making heart shaped rolls for another Valentines party we went to tonight.
We are really liking this weekly date night thing :)
It sure is nice to have a built in babysitter!
And don't worry, she gets paid for it.
So it was a fun party tonight.....dinner and games.
We won the gift for bringing the most romantic dinner item :)
And we also won some more movie stuff!


Emily Peterson said...

The deck door looks so great!!

Emily Peterson said...

And the rolls are adorable!!! :o)