Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday October 29

This morning the big girls woke up and got dressed right away and headed outside.
They decided that they wanted to make a little Halloween party for the little ones.
They were excited about it and finally came in to get the littles.
Everyone got dressed up and we headed outside.
They had a bobbing for Apples part.....

That was a big hit.....
They they moved on to 'hit the disco ball'.
Their disco ball was a tumble weed they tied up in a tree and they had the little ones try to knock it down.
They thought that was pretty fun too!

Once they hit it was time for the disco dance party.
They had fun doing that too.

That was a fun thing for the big girls to do.....
Then we kinda just hung out during the day.
It came time to get ready to go to our ward trunk or treat.
We were kinda in a rush and trying to get the kids all ready and make treats to take to the party.....
And decorate the trunk.....
Well, in the mix of things, Port locked the keys in the car.
The car with the car seats and the decorated trunk.
At that was already 5.
Time to go.
We had no idea where to even start looking for our spare key.
So we thought we would try to break in.
We tried that for quite a while, but it didn't work.
Got so close.
But for some reason, the unlock button wasn't working....we were pushing it, it just wasn't working.
I almost gave up on going.
But Brent thought he might just try and look for the spare keys.....and guess what?  He found them!!!
So, we were late, but no big deal.
It was a lot of fun and the kids had a real blast.


Emily Peterson said...

What a day!!! I love the party Madi & Cassi did for Elsie and Port! So fun and creative!!!

Emily Peterson said...

How did you decorate your trunk?

Rachel said...

Yes I am curious of that too. I really like Porters Fireman costume.

How fun for the girls to have a "party".

Cami said...

I wanna see the trunk, too!