Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Wednesday June 1

I am so proud of Madi.
She has made things very pleasant around this place.
She has made a very good effort to not fight with Cassi.
To not fight with me or dad.
She is being very positive and has a smile on her face all the time.
Tonight she even made dinner.
Is this what pre-teens are like???????
I sure hope so!
Madi is such a good kid and she is so grown up for her age.
I really appreciate her and I love how I can rely on her for so much.
But I also need to try not to rely on her so much so she can be a kid too.
The last few days have been a great medium.
She is a great help....but then she gets to do the fun stuff too, cause she has earned it for being so fantastic!
Thanks Baby Bell!
We love you so much!


The Holdaway Family said...

I love my pre-teen too! I don't know if Morgan is going to be quite as pleasant, but here's hoping!

Emily Peterson said...

You're wonderful Madi!!

skcoe said...

Isn't it great!? It's so bittersweet watching them grow up, but the freedom it's presenting to ME makes me smile a little bit. It's been a long time coming!