Thursday, June 02, 2011

Thursday June 2- Cassi's 'Someday' presentation.

A few months ago the first graders started writing their "Someday" book.
Today was Cassi's presentation.
They are adorable books and they spend a lot of time putting these together.
Each kid got to share 3 of their favorite pages.
They even got a microphone to speak into.
Cassi was so excited to present her book.
And she did such a great job.
We have LOVED having Mrs. Davis this year.
She has been such a fantastic teacher and a great friend.
Cassi has grown so much this year.
I am sure Mrs. Davis will continue to get frequent visits from Cassi through out her years at school.

Cassi and her book.

One of her fun pages.

Presenting her book.

Sweet Mrs. Davis.

Miss Shaina and Cassi wearing Miss Shaina's graduation cap.
Miss Shaina was the classroom aid for them and she just graduated from high school a couple days ago.
Cassi thinks she is pretty great.

Proud Daddy....

Hey look.....Mom was there too!!!!
We are proud of you Cassi!!!!
You did a wonderful job and you have some pretty fantastic dreams for the future!


Emily Peterson said...

What a great book Cassi! I would love to read it!!

The Holdaway Family said...

What a fun book!