Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sleep wanted.

It has been a long day.
Elsie was up at 4:00 a.m. this morning.
I got up with her, and tried my darnedest to get her to go back to sleep...
Finally at about 6:00 she was back asleep...and that is when my sweet Porter woke up for the day.
So, right now, I am pretty dang tired.
I had a talk with Elsie tonight, and asked her NOT to wake up that early anymore.
She gladly said "Okay!"
I hope she remembers. I was planning to skip church today.
But I also really wanted to go.
So we went.
Sacrament was, again, pretty hilarious to those around me.
We weren't very quiet...I tried hard though.
Anyway, we survived.
The rest of the day went smoothly.
I enjoyed my classes, the kids enjoyed their classes...all good.
If I would have stayed home, I am sure it would have been a day full of fighting.
So I guess I made the right choice.

The kids played good after church.
Elsie loves to have a horsey back ride.
In fact, all day Friday she made Dad give her horsey back rides all day long....
Madi and Cassi also put together a band to go along with Cassi's guitar.
Drums made out of oatmeal canisters...
Maracas made from mac and cheese boxes.
Tambourines made from kitchen utensils.
It was pretty fun.
Too bad bedtime snuck up on us so quickly.
I am sure they will get back to their band equipment tomorrow.
(The girls got their little knit hats on sale from Target the other day.
I think they look cute in them and they sure love them!)


camandholls said...

You have the cutest kids! I love seeing Elsie's adorable smile every sunday. She is such a sweetie!

Books = Possibilities said...

Those are adorable knit hats. I contemplated skipping out on church was the Visiting Teaching Conference, so I wouldn't be teaching Primary. But I am so glad I went!

The band sounds great! Record them and share it! We would love that!