Sunday, January 02, 2011

Meet Baby Alison

This is Elsie's baby, Alison.
At least we think that is what her name is.
Sometimes Elsie will try to tell us something, and we give too many wrong guesses as to what it is...that she ends up just going with whatever we say.
Silly girl.
She doesn't usually get mad...she just goes along with us to humor us I guess.
So we are pretty sure that Alison is what the baby was originally named...she agrees to it now, whether or not it was the name she came up with.
Elsie adores this baby.
She has her with her everywhere she goes, well, in the house anyway.
Elsie likes to pretend she actually gives birth to the baby...
She shoves the baby in her shirt and comes to me and asks "Where's the hospital, my baby is coming out!"
I tell her the hospital is at the couch or somewhere, and she will come back withe the baby and say "Look my baby came out.  Isn't she beautiful?"
She also leaves us to babysit the baby.
She will knock on our imaginary door, usually the couch arm.
We say "come in" and she comes in saying "Heeeey!" very happy and Elsie-like!
Then she asks if we can watch her baby cause she has to go to work.
She gives us her bottles, blanket and diaper bag, and heads to 'work'.
She has a great imagination.
She is a sweetie and makes the perfect little mommy!
She did have a rough day today though.
I have got to figure something out with her waking up so early!
She has been waking up at 4 or 5 a.m. and she is wide awake and ready to play...until about 8 or 9 when she goes back to sleep for an hour or two.
Well, that isn't gonna work when school is back in session!
I don't know what to do!
So things were rough today.
I am also wondering if she isn't feeling very well.
I wish I could help her.
Other than being very tired, the day went good.
Getting ready for church and going to church all went well...except Elsie wouldn't go to class....but she was so tired!
Cassi bore her testimony today again.
I love her testimonies.
She really puts thought into what she says and she delivers it very beautifully.
She is a great example to her family!
Now we go back to school tomorrow.
I hope all goes well in the morning...since I am sure I will have to wake them all up because they are so used to sleeping in.
But I do hope Elsie sleeps in!
I start my new Wellness Challenge tomorrow!
It is not too late to join if you would like to.
Go to the blog and read through everything...print off the chart and get started tomorrow!
You can send me an e-mail with the info sometime this week.
It really is such a great program...and I know you all have New Years Resolutions...and this will help you meet any resolution you have!
I dare ya to give it a try!


Books = Possibilities said...

I love how Elsie involves everyone in her imagination, too. So, where does she go when she goes to work?

Emily Peterson said...

Oh, that picture is so sweet!! And I love that haircut on Elsie! It frames her face so well!

That is wonderful about Cassi and how she bore a beautiful, thoughtful testimony!

The Holdaway Family said...

So sorry that Elsie is having a rough time!