Monday, September 13, 2010

Elsie went to SCHOOL!!!

Look who went to school today!!!
She was very excited as we drove there...
Very excited to see her friends and teachers...
Very excited to go to the library...
Not so excited when I tried to leave her.
I stayed in the parking lot and told them to call me if she didn't calm down.
Well, they called...worried she was gonna throw-up, and that was what I didn't want to happen.
So I went back, and I played some more...did circle time with them and then I went with her for her Physical Therapy...that was fun to watch her...
We went back to class and did some more stuff.
I knew she was getting tired, so I asked if she was ready to go home.
She was ready and went to grab the backpack...then she saw the Capri Suns...and that means SNACK TIME!!!
So she said she wanted to stay for snacks, and I told her I would come get her after snacks and she was totally fine with that.
So I came home and fit a run in before I went back to get her.
She was so happy!
She loves everyone there.
I hope it goes well tomorrow.
I don't think we will try the bus until next week!!!
Way to go Elsie!!!
We got to go out to eat tonight with rich uncle Scotty!!!
Okay, he isn't our uncle...but he should be.
Scott is the one who moved my Annie all the way to I am still bitter towards him, but dinner helped a little.
Thanks Scott for taking us out...
But really, just bring Annie back!!!


Emily Peterson said...

Yeah Elsie!!!

I love her expression in that second picture!!

Books = Possibilities said...

I am so excited for Elsie's day! Tomorrow will be better! The pics of her are adorable!

Young family said...

So glad she gave it a try! Hope She will fall back into that routine very quickly...

Bald n Beautiful said...

So mad Scott gets to be out there and I am home all week missing everyone. I STILL REALLY WISH I could be your neighbor again! Once or twice a year is not enough. I preferred once or twice a day!