Monday, March 01, 2010

Sewing lessons...

Madi has been asking and asking for me to teach her some stuff on the sewing machine.
I got a new totally AWESOME sewing machine for Christmas...and so she wanted my old one.
I was totally for that until I realized how much better it would be for her to use my new one.
You can choose how fast it can for Madi, I slowed it down so she could focus on where she was putting the fabric.
It was a lot of fun teaching her and she felt quite proud of herself for doing it!
My sister Emily gave her some fabric two Christmases ago...and some of it was already cut into she laid them out how she wanted them and she is making a pillow case to go over a square pillow form.
I am excited to work with her on this project...
The only problem...TIME!
She gets home at 4:00...then it is homework, dinner time, clean-up and somehow it becomes bed time in just a snap!
So I was thinking...she is always so mad and irritated when she gets home from school.
I am always looking for ways to help her be happy when she gets home.
Maybe this is it.
We were only up there for 30 minutes or so...and she got a lot done.
I think I can fit that in after school.
We will see...
It depends on what the other kids let me do, too!
The material is pink and off she went every other for a checker pattern.
She did this ALL BY HERSELF!!!
Really, she did.
Like I said, my machine is set at a slow speed, so I felt comfortable letting her work it alone.
Great job Bell!!!!
Can't wait for the finished project!
Cassi wanted in on it too!
Of course...she made me a bit more nervous around a moving needle.
So I let her push the peddle while I moved the fabric through.
Great job to you Cass!
She is such a great faker...wouldn't you believe she was really sewing in this picture...

Nope, just posing!

Cassi's finished project... Not sure what to make with it yet...maybe sew a few more on and make a belt.


*I am Thankful for grocery shopping day...eating healthy is much easier when you have your fridge stocked with the good stuff!!!

*I am Thankful that Elsie got a nap today...she had a field trip today, and those always wear her out...I am glad when I can get her to lay down!

*I am Thankful for good times spent with our kids! I pray these are the times they remember...not the times when I am mad at them!


Emily Peterson said...

Looks awesome Madi!!! I'm glad you've found something to use that fabric for. :o)
Cassi is a great picture poser! I love the color combination she chose.

Mrs. G said...

Way to go with fitting in your family time. I'm sure your kids will appreciate it when they grow up :o)

The Holdaway Family said...

I think it will be great for Madi to do this afterschool.

Jodi Gallagher said...

How great for Madi! Sewing is so much fun and is a great outlet for her. What a good mama you are!