Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Snail mail...

Don't we all love it when we get something in the mail...?
At least stuff that isn't junk mail...or bills.
The girls got a letter from their cousins from Randolph, Utah...and they were so excited to rip that thing open!
As soon as they read their letters they were writing letters right back to Heather and Lauren.
I LOVE getting letters in the mail.
Today I actually got a letter from my Grandparents in Arizona who I haven't seen in YEARS!!!!
There may be a chance of us going to visit this summer...we will have to see how things work out.
A letter is so personal and has so much LOVE in it.
But you know what...I LOVE getting an e-mail too.
Guess what...when you leave a comment here, it sends it to my e-mail...and boy do I feel loved!!!
Just letting you know...
On a side note...man I have been feeling sick today!
I never get sick!
Maybe my body knows I will no longer be in my 20's...and it isn't liking it...
Who knows....
It feels a little stomach-fluish...which I PRAY it isn't!
I only ate a little bit today...for fear it wouldn't stay down.
But at least I got my fruits and veggies in...
Lets hope I sleep good so I can have a happy day tomorrow!!!
*I am Thankful for understanding teachers when I can't go help in school...I felt so bad for missing today...but I also wouldn't want to up-chuck on a kid in Cassi's class!!!
*I am Thankful for my great friend Heather who was so sweet and brought me by a gift and DINNER!!! Which by the way ...WAS AMAZING!!! It was the only real food I ate today. And Porter LOVED it...and that kid does not eat!!!
*I am Thankful for the 10 years I got to say I was in my 20's. Because man....the thirty's just sound old!!! Oh well...it is about time I become more mature!


tyler family said...

Kim, I have to say I check your blog often and am one of those annoying people that never leaves comments. I love hearing about your everyday happenings. You have a way of simplifying things and I love it. You & your kids were cute @ Target the other day. I think that's the only place I ever run into you! Thank goodness for Target:) Happy Birthday! And I hope you aren't getting the flu....yuck!

MegJill said...

I am 31 and still trying to get over the fact that it am in my 30's! Maybe it takes until we are 40 to feel good about 30. :) And my body does feel old. I had my husband roll a rolling pin all over my legs to get them to stop hurting. Is this how our grandparents feel when they say their bodies ache all the time?!
There is something special, old fashioned and romantic about a real letter. It makes you feel good inside knowing someone went to the effort of finding a pen, paper, envelope, stamp AND the time just to let you know they love you.
Thinking about it makes me want to go write one right now!

MegJill said...

Can I come to Target with you guys too?!
We don't have one in our town. :(

Young family said...

Sorry that you weren't feeling good yesterday! Now I am really glad I brought you dinner, and I am so happy it was enjoyed! I hope you have a great day today! call if you feel real yucky, and I can come get the kids..

mortensen98 said...

Happy Birthday Kim! hope you have a great day :) i love reading your blog you are truely an inspiration your a great mom! have a great day and get feeling better soon.

Megan said...

Kimmie we love you but we do not live in randolf ;)