Sunday, March 15, 2009


Favs # 15/356
My FAVORITE dinner to make while Daddy is at work
Those who know me, know I am not known for my cooking.
I wish I could cook.
I am just one of those people who can mess anything up, pretty easily.
Dinner is always a stress for me.
Many times I resort to spaghetti, Mac and Cheese or Pancakes.
Can't beat pancakes.
And these ones aren't too bad for you either.
So when Dad is away at work...
this is usually what we have to eat.
The kids love them and they don't mind eating them a few times a week.
(Okay, that is an exaggeration...but still, they wouldn't mind!)
Dad likes them we do have them a lot when he is home too!
Breakfast for dinner...
you know you all do it!
On a side note...
apparently when you post EVERYDAY no one wants to comment!!!
Oh's fun for me anyway!
But we all love some love sometimes...right!


Rachel said...

Those pancakes actually look pretty delicious. So about the no commenting, my sis and I were talking and decided that people only comment when you first get a blog, if you annouce that you are pregnant, or put pics up when you have the baby. I think we are all suffering from a comment famine. I can't even tell you how many blogs I look at each day without commenting. Not sure why . . .

Jenni said...

That is an awesome picture! It makes me want some pancakes right now... maybe I will forget my broccolini, rice and salad plans and just make some pancakes.

Books = Possibilities said...

oh, pout! You still get more comments than I ever have, so quit crying!

I love pancakes, too. Aarynn and Lily really love them, and waffles.

Angela said...

I am SO glad that I'm not the only one that doesn't cook like a gourmet chef every night. I look around at my friends and I feel like such a bad mom most of the time. I need to try and cook more often, maybe then I'd be better at it. Oh well. Thank you so much for posting this and making me feel so much better.

I'm sorry I don't comment more often. Your site has become my favorite because you're posting every day. I love coming and seeing the cool picture you've taken for that day. I'm guessing that you're shooting most of these with a 50mm 1.4 lens...or something like it. What is your lens of choice for these pictures anyway?

Cami said...

I am the same way with cooking...only I can't cook pancakes either! I think I need to take some cooking classes!

Kristi said...

I have noticed the same one comments much when you post a lot! Oh well! We have breakfast for dinner at least once a's our favorite!! We call it BRINNER!

Erin said...

i LOVE breakfast for dinner. we do pancakes all the time. :)

Lyric Payne said...

I'll be right over! If you ever want a really easy and sinfully good recipe buttermilk syrup recipe just let me know. It actually makes your pancakes taste more like dessert, but it is oh so good.

Amy said...

YUM... I'll be over for breakfast dinner :) We love to do that too. I figure I've still been commenting a couple of times week, which is the same rate as before, your posting has just increased-haha. I'm loving your daily posts though!

Malisa said...

Yum ! THose look so good!

Katie Call-Sommer said...

they look really yummy! i do breakfast for dinner too it's nice sometimes for a change.