Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday June 19

We got up today, packed our stuff up, ate breakfast then checked out of the hotel.
We decided to go for a hike and I found one up Farmington canyon.
It was a great hike.
About 4 miles round trip.
About 1 mile in, Elsie wanted to quit....
But with some song singing and a spot where we find internet connection so she could FaceTime Carley for a minute, we got her to go another mile.
The trail after that got pretty rocky.
Madi stayed behind and hung out with Elsie while we hiked to the waterfall.
It was a really cool waterfall and I'm glad we decided to go all the way in.
Madi was a good sport to volunteer to stay behind....
We did pass by a rattle snake that shook his rattle at is, that want so cool.
But we got by him and continued down the mountain.
I love hiking and I want to do it more.
The mountains are my happy place.
Lagoon was fun, but the hike made the trip for me ❤️
We ate lunch at Costa vida before we started the drive home.
We had a few more stops than we would have liked because we have a little bit who likes to drink, but has a small bladder!!!
But we finally made it home.
We stopped by the shingle place to check out my shingle selection, and it seemed really light, lighter than I wanted.
So Dad called the guy and he met up with us at a house that was recently shingled in the same color and I am so glad I checked because I really didn't like it!
Too much variation in color, just not what I wanted at all!
So we are going to play it safe and go with onyx black, which is what the roof is now.
And I know I like it now, so why change anyway!!!!
It's good to be home.
Now we need to get back in the groove... Or I guess start up a summer groove.
I would love to have a better schedule than what we have going on.
What better time to start than now 👍🏻

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