Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday July 21

We went to 2 sacrament meetings today.
We went to our own and then we went and to Madi's friend, Jakes, mission farewell.
When we came home, I worked to make a cake so we could take it to the fire station....and I failed big time!
I was in too big of a hurry to get to the fire station that I put the frosting on before the cake cooled....and it totally slid off!
Soooo......we still went to the fire station, but instead we took banana popsicles :)
We hung out with dad for a bit then headed home.
We listened to the Come Follow Me scriptures in the car ride and then we watched a 'don't miss this' podcast and talked about while we ate dinner.
I won't talk about the intense amount of fighting that went on today.....
Instead I will choose to remember when they went outside to play.
Oh and the quiet time they spent in their rooms while I made dinner :)
I am ready for Dad to be home with me.

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