Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Tuesday April 2

I kind of had a lousy night.
My tooth is hurting....the one right by the one I got pulled that was in my sinuses.
Here we go again.
But really , I think that it is just pressure because I am feeling kind of sick today.
I am hoping it will pass and nothing needs to be done to my teeth OR my sinuses!!!!
I got up and ran a couple miles while Dad went to the gym.
Then I went and took some Baptism pictures for Raylee, Sue Youngs daughter.
That was fun!
We did some at the Meridian Temple and then took some at the Youngs farm.
She was a cutie.
I stopped at Hobby Lobby and Lowes on the way back home.
I got myself some new tree loppers since I ruined my last ones with all the dang pruning!!!
But then it rained the rest of the day!
I got home and I had to lay down....I was wiped.
Dad came and sat by me on the couch and we had a little rest until the big girls got home.
Then the little ones had piano, Porter had football.
Elsie and I were going to go to the softball game, but it was still raining, so we stayed home.
She wrote a letter to her pen pal, Lola.
Dad made a yummy grilled chicken dinner.
When Madi got home from work, I helped her learn some tricks on photoshop.
She is starting to think about graduation announcements and she's got some great ideas!
I also gave Cassi a little hair trim....she still regrets cutting bangs :)
I take Cassi to get her knee MRI tomorrow.
Hoping it is something that can get fixed quick!

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