Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday January 14

I've heard couples say they don't fight.
That is not the case with us.
Not even close.
But I would not have it any other way.
With each bump in the road, each hard step, each trial.....we have grown closer.
I've loved him more and more with each fight...…and I love him ALOT!!!!! 
Of course, it's not the fighting I love.
It's our willingness to come together, to forgive, to want to be better....for each other and for ourselves.
There is no doubt in my mind that this man was made for me.
We've learned a lot about each other in the last 19 years and I look forward to what is to come.
Because if we keep going how we are going, it's only gonna get better and better.
I love spending as much time with him as possible.
The last few weeks he has been able to take days off of work and we have been able to spend a lot of time together.
It really has been such a great way to start this year.
Lots of planning, talking, discussing.
It has been pretty awesome.
I do not look forward to him going back to work tomorrow :(
But I do look forward to our plans this year!!!!
After a good workout, we showered and then we went to lunch for our anniversary.
We decided to go to Cheesecake factory.
It was pretty good.
Then we went to Target to get Dad a shirt and an antennae, but I ended up getting a shirt and pants for myself :)
On the way home we decided to do a grocery run at Walmart.
After some yummy hamburgers for dinner.
We had a great FHE tonight.
Dad and I talked over our lunch about what we could talk about.
Actually, I told him what my thoughts I want to use each FHE to talk about some kind of way we can fortify our home.
Then label some paper bricks with what the topic is and put them in the mudroom to fortify the wall :)
Get it.....
Anyway, he thought of a story in 2 Nephi that he wanted to share, so he took the reigns in FHE.
We talked about what Nephi did after Lehi dies.
How he fully put his trust in the Lord.
In vs. 17, Nephi talks about how he feels like he is a wretched man.
He feels bad that even though he has seen the many miracles of the Lord and he knows what is right, he is still but a man and still makes bad choices.
BUT....the Lord supports him in his trials.
Just like us....we all mess up.
We all have to repent daily.
But the Lord is with us.
Nephi says, Awake My Soul!
He cries unto the Lord and his soul rejoices.
As a family we talked about praying to KNOW what we know.
WE talked about submitting our will to God's will.
Dad had a great point.
Our will is the ONLY thing that we have that we can give to the Lord.
We can give of our time, of our tithing.....but that is all things God has given to us and asked for in return.
But he gave us our free will, that is his gift.
So if we choose to give our will in place of his will...….well that actually turns our will into his.
I just love that.
And if we follow the commandments, keep our covenants then our will will always align with the Lord's will.
Also, Dad talked about free will being....not just the choice to do what we want.
But the choice to do good.
Our instincts of that of man....we lean towards the bad choices naturally.
Dad's example was, it would be much easier to just sleep in for church at 9 a.m.
But it is our CHOICE to get up and go.
We are choosing to do the good.
Anyway.....then we talked about family history stuff and chatted for quite a while.
I am really enjoying this time with my family.
It was a nice day today.
To look at the love of my life, sitting across the table from me as we are surrounded by our little ones.
I am thankful for these last 19 years and look forward to so much more!

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