Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday August 22

I can't imagine having a better first day of school!!!!!
Man oh man!
This mama is very happy that everyone had such a fantastic day!
The big girls got to school ate because of traffic, but everyone was late, so it was just fine.
Elsie bug got on the bus, and didn't even look back to wave bye!
She was so excited to be on there with Avery and Kyra!
I got a text from Sierra's mom saying she helped Elsie with her locker and that she was doing so awesome and so happy at school!
I went to school with Porter, because I worked in the office.
He was happy and excited to get there.
He only had half day, so he spent the rest of the day helping Dad move the cows to the other pasture.
Then he and Dad picked buckets and buckets of pears and apples.
My dehydrator came today!!!!!!!
We are all excited, but the boys seem to be the MOST excited!
We did apple slices today, and had a few extra trays that we stuck some mango on, so we will give that a try.
We still need to wait for our pears to ripen up some more.....but super excited about that too!
Cassi had a very big day today as well!
She got her learner's permit!
She can now drive with us in the car with her.
Pretty exciting....not sure I am ready for that yet, but it is pretty exciting still!
For YW, I had a fun lesson with the Beehives about 'what we put in our backpack' are we carrying heavy things that make our days harder?
And then we talked about things we can put in our backpack that will help make life better!!!!!
Pencil- Be 'lead' by the spirit at all times
Notepad- Like a clean sheet of paper, each new day is new with no mistakes or marks.
Make the most of each day!
Highlighter- Be the 'highlight' of someone's day. 
Be a good friend!
Paperclips- 'attach' yourself to good friends
Marker- Make your mark be being a good example
Hand Sanitizer- Keep your hands clean from gossip!
Gum- Always 'chews' the right
It was a fun lesson and I think the girls liked it.
And then we all got to bed and we are all excited for a new day tomorrow!!!!!!
It's gonna be a great year!!!!!

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