Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Wednesday July 4 (add pictures)

Happy 4TH of July!!!!!
Or, as Elsie says, Happy birthday America!
I got up and went for a nice 5 mile run and got a cool pictures of  'Amber waves of grain'. :)
Dad and I decided to take the kids to Grimes Creek to play in the water and spend some time together as just our family.
It was a beautiful day.
On the drive up, we got to have a 'Down with Dad' where we talked all about what the 4th of July means.
How it was fought for.
What was sacrificed.
And what it means to be an American.
I love that he is such a great teacher that is passionate about History :)
We found a great spot up in the mountains.
It's not the spot that we usually love to go to, that was taken by some campers, but this was pretty great.
We spent a few hours there, soaking in the sun, the water, shooting some BBs and just savoring the time to be together.
Minimal fighting :)
Elsie was super brave and we got her to take a little ride down the river.
Pretty fun.
We headed home so I could make some dinner to the Morgan's party this evening.
That was a super fun party with swimming, yummy food, fun people, and of course the yearly shaving cream fight!
This year, Dad really wanted to take the kids to see the big fireworks.
So we left around 9ish and went to the fireworks down in Meridian.
We met up with the Halls and had a fun time playing with them before the fireworks started.
It was a lot of fun.
It has been a while since we have felt that big boom in the chest from the fireworks!
It was a rush :)
It really was such a great day.
Spent with people we love.
I am so grateful to live in this land.
This land where we are free to choose who we want to be.
Free to choose where we want to go to church.
Free to go to the schools we want, go to the places we want.
I am grateful for those who put their lives on the line for not just themselves, but for the future of America.
I am so grateful for so much, it almost feels unfair to be so blessed.
But I will continue to be grateful :)

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