Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday February 13

The kids got up and ready in good time so I could take them to Vern's a little early.
With their mustaches and all :)
It is dress-ups this week....not sure what the mustaches have to do with it....but they were excited to have them :)
So, I had to get to my dr appointment at 9.
I had to wait quite a while.
This is a different sinus place, and I am much happier with them.
She did say that we need to wait and be patient for the antibiotics to work on the infection in my tooth/mouth area.
So I will go back in two weeks and we can evaluate then.
She didn't get to see the CT scans from the other sinus place, but she read their notes, etc and her thoughts from her own exam.
She said she wouldn't feel good about operating just yet.
That there are a few other things she would like to try that could really help in preventing sinus infections.
So I am glad to have gotten a second opinion.
And I guess I could say that I am thankful for the tooth infection and extraction and extra infection......or I might have gone through an unnecessary sinus surgery!!!!!
I was still dizzy and sick today.
I did take a nap after my appointment.
And didn't get much else done today.......
I am just ready to feel better and normal and get back to doing my stuff!!!!!
After school, the kids wrote out their valentines.....remember when I used to spend A LOT of time making homemade valentines for them :)
Ya, that did not happen this year.
And I am okay with that.
Tonight was the blue and gold banquet for Port's scouts.
He invited Max and Graham to come with us.
It was a fun night for the boys.
It was a space theme and they had some fun activities and decorations.
And I thought it was pretty great that the boys helped clean up afterwards :)

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