Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday February 19

So, I will say right now, that I know I am completely spoiled.
Last night, Brent checked to see if there was time off available for this morning so he could go with me to the dentist.
And there was.....
Now, you have to understand.....going to the dentist, which I have always hated, is even worse now.
Like a PTSD kind of thing (not really, but kind of...)
I know that I could have gone myself.....I know.
But he knew that being there with me would calm me.
I am so grateful for the way he takes care of me.
So we went to the appointment and tings seem to be going good.
The white gums seem to be turning pink, which would indicate that it is healing.
Which is great!
Still tender and red he did extend my antibiotics.
Which I am not excited about......I've been on antibiotics since the week before Christmas!!!!!
But, I also just want this infection gone!
I don't want to finish this round up and it not be clear, and have it get worse.
So, I just need to be patient.
Anyway, we had a little bit of time before he had to get back to work, and since it is Presidents day, we hit the Mor furniture store to see what deals they had.
We actually found something we both loved......but we couldn't decide on the fabric.
Now, couches are very hard for us to agree on.
He wants the kind that has recliners built in, cup holders, lumbar know, the works.
But they really do not make those couches to look very pretty.
Which I know is the least of his worries.
So I was so happy to find one we both like.
The fabric of the couch on the floor was amazing....soft like you were cuddling up in a giant teddy bear!
But there was another option that was super cool and crisp and clean.
You can guess who wanted what......
In the end, we chose the soft cuddly giant teddy bear :)
Again, you can guess who won.
(um....he won.)
It is gonna be great.
He had a good point....the fabric I liked looked like it would belong on a hospital couch :)
So this will be much more inviting, and fun and I am pretty excited about it.
Plus, we got a great deal!
Anyway, so that is exciting.
It will be delivered on Wednesday.
He had to get to work, so we grabbed lunch and headed home.
He left for work, and Elsie and I left for PT.
Katie had a fun Olympic theme thing at therapy.
Elsie did pretty good....a few of the things she didn't want to do, but did pretty good for the most part.
I came home and dropped her off, then I headed to the grocery store.
As soon as I got home from that, Port helped me bring the groceries in (the big girls had left with friends) and I didn't even get a chance to put them away when my old YW crew came over.
We are still doing New Beginnings this Wednesday with both wards combined.
So we got together to hammer out all the details and make sure we have everything in order.
I think it will be a nice night.
At least I know the decorations will be cute :)
Then I took Elsie and Port BACK to the store....this time to Walmart to get Elsie's poster board for her wax museum project on Pocahontas this Friday.
It was a packed day!!!!
I am ready to sleep!!!!!

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