Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday May 21

It was cute this morning when Dad came home and Port woke up, he immediately went to cuddle with Daddy :)
Made my heart happy.
We've been missing daddy time around here with him teaching this class he is doing!
Church was great today.
It was our Ward conference.
There was a lot of talk about temple attendance, and prayer.
We had a great YW/YM combined lesson where Pres. Fujimoto spoke about the years theme, Ask in Faith.....
He us always so entertaining to start with and then he has you hooked when he gets down to business.
One thing that stuck out to me is that when you ask for something in your have to be ready to hear his answer....not waiting for the answer you are wanting to hear....
He told a story of a couple who had 4 small children.
The mother had an aneurysm and was in a coma.
He prayed fervently every day that she would wake form the coma.
And each day....she didn't wake up.
He said that he prayed like that for a week.
Finally on the 7th day, he changed his prayer.
He prayed to the Lord and said "Heavenly Father, if you need her more than I need her here, then you can take her."
The next day she woke up.
What changed?
He had full Faith that whatever happened, would be what needed to happen.
He had Faith in the Lord's plan.
And he stopped asking for his specific purpose.....and gave it up, fully, to Heavenly Father.
I just loved the power in that story.
And the reminder it is to really think about what we are asking for......
Are we asking for something in such a way that we are kind of demanding the things WE want to happen, instead of having Faith and giving it to the Lord?
I know that I can do a better job with my prayers.....and I am thankful for the lesson we received today :)
After church, I went to the YCL meeting with Madi.
It is getting so close and we are very excited!
I still can't believe that Sister Burk has put together this camp in such a short period of time....and it will be fantastic!
The best part....we are using Personal Progress goals for the devotionals so the girls will leave camp with about 16 things checked off in their PP!
Pretty awesome!
After dinner we went to the Nielsen's house to celebrate Sierra's birthday.
It was such a nice day outside, the kids enjoyed playing out there.
Elsie and Sierra played games.
And the grown ups got to talk.
We got home a little later than we should have.....
It will be so nice when school is out and we can stay out looonggerrrrrr!!!!!!
Oh, and some big news!
Madi can touch her toes!!!!!!
Every night, during scripture study, she does her stretches.
This girl has always been very tight, and with her back problems, that has made things worse.
BUT......tonight she tried, and she can touch them!!!!!!

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