Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday April 20

I helped in the office this morning......and my head was all congested!
I ran back to the store, got some nasal decongestant, and that seemed to help.
Then I went VT, and that was fun to sit and chat for a bit.
I came home and cleaned up the kitchen for a bit before heading back to school to set up the art display in the lunchroom.
We had to wait until after lunch to set that up.
Well, it took longer than I thought it would.......and I ended up coming home just a few minutes before the little ones got out of school.
Vern brought them home for me so I wouldn't have to go back to the school!
We had egg sandwiches for dinner before we headed back to the school for Art Gallery Night.
It all turned out great, but I am so glad it is done!!!!!
Cass went and did school tours at Victory Middle for the incoming 6th graders.
I picked her up just in time for her to come and help me take down all the art and clean up at the school.
Kids all got to bed at a pretty good time.
Except Madi who kept me up talking all to avoid doing the dishes :)
But she got them done.....along with the talking!
It was a fun night.
But I am so tired and I am hoping that I can sleep good tonight......

This was the set-up Vern and I did for Porter's class.
We did plastic stain glass......and we had a fun way to display it :)


1 comment:

Nancy said...

What a fun event!!!