Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday Sept. 24 (add pictures)

There was a lot of running around today.
Cassi got to babysit this morning and the rest of us got to clean and do chores.
I had to run Port to the store to buy a gift for a birthday party.
Cassi mowed the lawn when she got back from babysitting.
Then I went and met with our newest Beehive to welcome her into YW.
The kids had their primary program practice today, so I ran them there.
Madi had Maegan over and Cassi went with her friends to The Village.
I picked the little ones up and then took Port, Max and Graham to a birthday party.
I looked up the address for 'Nerfed' on Google and it took me there.......except I went to the address in was supposed to be Boise!
Aw man!!!!
So the boys were late.
I have a knack for getting lost :(
Then came home and finished up odds and ends.
Dad had been outside doing stuff all day.
Working on the fence sow e can put the cows on the other field.
He fixed the chicken coop up with some panels he got from a friend.
I got laundry done and bathrooms cleaned.
Then this evening, the Morgan girls came over and we watched the General Woman's Conference on TV.
We ate pizza and then afterwards we went out for ice cream.
So that was a fun time :)
Now it's late!
The little kids have their program tomorrow....
We are pretty excited because Max and Graham are coming to watch.

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