Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday July 31

It was a nice Sunday today......
You know, except for the hustle and bustle to get everything in order to go on our trip!!!!
But church was nice.
During Sacrament meeting we had a few girls speak about girls camp and then Melissa Lyons spoke and so did Cindy Peterson and they did such fantastic jobs!
Girls camp really was such an incredible experience!!!!!
But the musical number today about did me in.....everyone was in tears!
Our new little friend Sierra did a musical number with her Dad.
Sierra has CP, and she struggles with getting words out.
But oh my goodness......Her dad sang the first verse, then Sierra sang the second.
And it was just so gosh darn cute hearing her sing that verse herself.....
But then they sang together.
Oh wow.
The spirit flooded that room like I have never felt.
It really was incredible.
I am so grateful to have been a part of feeling that!
I just wish it would have been recorded so ya'all could experience it too!
So then for the 3rd hour they split up for a 5th Sunday meeting.
They asked the Laurels and priests to take the younger primary classes so that the teachers could go to the meeting.
And I was kind of a mediator along with a few other YW leaders to make sure things went good.
Then like I said, after church it was all getting ready to go!
We went to Michelle Burks house to get a bunch of CDs to listen to and she also gave us a bunch of new movies that should last for the whole trip!!!!
Cassi had choir practice too.
But that is pretty much it.
I think we are ready for our big trip.
I think.......

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