Monday, February 01, 2016

Monday February 1

I had a very planned out day today.
After I dropped the little ones off to school, I went to Winco to get all the food stuff I need for New Beginnings this Wednesday.
We are doing ice cream sundaes.....and the toppings are all the YW value colors.
I got some good stuff I think....
But for green, I ended up picking out each green gummy bear from the bin :)
Ha ha!
I won't lie, people were looking at me like a crazy lady!
I had some time to kill so I went to a few thrift stores.
I have been looking for something to go under the TV.
I didn't like what we had there, it was so small and in bad shape.
Anyway, I saw this dresser thing, and I liked it, but I thought it was overpriced.
It was solid black with paint starting to chip.
I went to the lady and asked her if I could haggle the price.
She said no, because it was a fairly new item.
I said okay and told her I would probably be back.
But I did score a Kenny Rogers best hits record that was slipped inside some weird cover.
I am not quite sure why I even decided to look inside the cover, but I did, and it was Kenny Rogers!!!
Best part, it was 1 buck!
The I went home and got stuff all put away and I headed out to meet Heather for her birthday lunch.
Heather, Angie and I went to Zupas and it was fun to sit and talk for a little bit and take a break :)
Happy birthday Heather!
After that, I decided to go back to the thrift store.
I took the ticket up to her and she laughed and said, 'Your back', with a smile.
Then she said, 'Wait a minute, do you have a loyalty card???'
I said I sure do!!!!
She looked it up and tells me I have $20 credit.
I am not sure how I have THAT much.....but I was super excited, and so was she!
So I paid $20 for the dresser!
Happy me!
I got ti home and started sanding it.
Someday I will really refinish it, but I wanted to get it in the house.
So I sanded off the flaking paint and roughed up other parts to make it kind of match.
And I am super happy with it :)
After school and homework, the kids watched High School Musical and I went and did my own grocery shopping for the fam.
Little Elsie bug has oral surgery tomorrow.
I guess it is not really surgery, but she is being put out and her spacers taken off.
I feel bad we have to put her to sleep, but there is really no other way, especially how the gums seem to have grown over the spacer!
She can't eat any food tomorrow.
She can have jello and apple juice up until 10, and nothing after that.
Her 'surgery' is at noon.
I am sure all will be well, but I do hate when they have to put her to sleep!

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