Thursday, October 01, 2015

Thursday October 1

This morning, Dad and I got to go work at the cannery.
It was my first time ever working there.
It was a long shift and I know that my backs gonna be hurting tomorrow, but what a neat experience!
I also met a lady who is new in our ward, who's name is also Kim.
She is super nice and easy to talk to for the 4 hour shift :)
I thought I would get to work with dad, but he was assigned a more manly job of making sure the big peeling machine (we did pears) stayed in working order.
I got to make sure the pears were up to the right line and do weight checks before the lids were put on.
It was a lot of fun and what a huge operation!
So cool!
The guy came and told us that we canned over 17,500 pears today!
Before I knew that dad signed us up for the cannery, I had already planned for Elsie's friend Belle to come over.
But I told her Mom I wouldn't be here and she was fine with the big girls in charge.
They had a lot of fun playing.
After the cannery, Dad took me out to eat for lunch.
It was a fun time and I feel bad I never took a picture of us together.....
I wish I had one with us on our hair nets ;)
We looked pretty dang cute!
When we got home from the cannery, Dad started work on the built-in.
But we didn't get too far because I think it would be much easier for me to paint the inside before finishing the outside.
That will be a good job to do on Saturday while listening to Conference :)
So I also made plans for Cassi's friend Kiali and her sister (Elsie's friend) Malia to come over too.
So I went to pick them up after Belle left.
When i got back home I was seeing what Dad had gotten done on the built-in.....holding the window up in place when the top board fell and whacked me on the forehead!
He felt so bad, he was waiting for me to come home to approve it :(
Oh well, bruises fade ;)
The kids all played well.
After I took those girls home I made a stop at the library.
I started feeling really lousy in the car.
When I got home, we had dinner, and I couldn't eat.
And if you know me.....then you know that means something is wrong!
I NEVER lose my appetite!
After dinner I did actually throw up.
It helped a bit....but not much :(
Anyway, we sat down and watched McFarland USA as a family.
What a great feel good movie!
I am feeling a bit better after sipping some ginger-ale.
I am wondering if something at the restaurant didn't sit well with me.
Dad ate the same stuff as me, so it can't be food poisoning...
I hope it is all gone by tomorrow.
We have a day trip planned to the mountains with the Young family.
It is gonna be a blast :)


Grandma Na said...

Kim, perhaps even a slight concussion that made you not feel so well. Hope you are okay my wonderful daughter!!! Love you!

Unknown said...

I was thinking concussion too. Jenni