Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Tuesday June 2

I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school!
Everyone is so excited!
Well, except Port.
He says, 'But I love school!'
I hope he feels the same way when it becomes all day in a few short months!!!
I made some brownies this morning to take to the last B-day bash in Port's class.
No, it wasn't to celebrate his birthday....but I feel like I did so little in the class this year, I thought I would volunteer for something!!!
So I took it to his class and he was super excited to have me there and wanted me right at his side the whole time.
He is such a silly boy.
I would be talking to the other moms there and he would make sure and catch my eye so that he knew that I knew he was still there.
Oh that kid!
I got some grocery shopping done after the whole birthday bash thing.
I also got some doorknobs and door jambs so we can finish up the bathroom so there will be some privacy for the guests we will be having tomorrow!
Oh and some towels and stuff :)
Ariel and her little family will be coming to see us on their way to go and visit Andy's family in Oregon.
Once I got home and put the groceries away, we got started on the bathroom stuff.
Then I had to leave to pick up the girls from school and made a run to Lowes for some hinges.
We are hanging the doors that we brought with us from the old house.
These are major heavy solid wood doors.....and they have been a bugger to deal with!
Too bad we didn't find the $100 replicas back then, that we got for the rest of the doors.
Would have saved some moolla and some sweat!
Got home, and Joanne came for Elsie's speech.
Dad got a toilet and sink in our master bath.
So that will be really great!!!!!
Once Joanne left I got to work at hanging the mirrors, towel rack, toilet paper roller, etc. in the bathroom while dad worked on hanging the door.
Madi out on door knobs for the other closets that needed knobs and the toilet door.
Good little helper she is :)
Port helped me wit the toilet roller and he also helped dad with holding the door steady.
Well, then it was bedtime and so everyone got ready for bed and we said prayer and got them in bed.....
The Hales had invited us over for some dessert with friends, just us adults....so we went over there for a little bit while the little ones hung out at home.
We didn't stay long and, but it was fun to get out and chat for a bit :)
I have super cute pictures of the kids helping out and of the bathroom.....but I can't get them out of my email!
Maybe I should start using my real camera again........

1 comment:

Grandma Na said...

It will be so fun to have Ariel and her family visit! I so wish Dad and I could do the same thing! We need to get our lives figured out!!