Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday April 29

I took Dad to his dr appt today.
It was actually a follow-up appointment from his surgery....
But we kept the appt and went anyway because we had questions to ask.
We got to see the x-rays he took a couple weeks ago.
I won;t made me sick to my stomach.
To see those vertebrae in the shape of triangles, when they are supposed to be square....
It just looks like that part of his back is just gonna pop out.....makes me sick :(
But doc said as long as it will heal just like this, and they don;t see any particles in the area of the spinal chord, we should be able to avoid surgery.
He is gonna have to really strengthen those back muscles to hold that spot as tight as it can be!!!!
He won't start PT until 3 months post accident....same with how long he will wear the brace.
That is all if we can avoid surgery.
Doc said that if it was just one level, he wouldn't be so concerned, but since it is two levels, he wants to be extra careful.
So, we go back in a few weeks to get new x-rays and see what the plan is.
I am also anxious to see what his back looks like while not wearing the brace.
These were taken when the brace was all cinched up.....
So I am curious how it holds on it's own.
Vern picked Port up from school while we were at the appt.
She took the boys to McDonalds, so that was a big hit :)
When we came home, I got to work on the stairs.
I got them all stained.....and I love them!
Still nervous about the dark grain.....
But you know what?
It makes it look more old fashioned :)
I like old fashioned.....
So I will let it cure for a couple days before I put on the top coats.
The the posts can go in!!!!
It is very exciting!
Port played at Cannon's this afternoon.....and went swimming.
He had a lot of fun and didn't come home until dinner time :)
He has kind of a crook in his neck that is bothering him....
He said he was doing 'flips' on the tramp and landed funny, but he has also been wearing his Army helmet everywhere, and that is not light!!!!
So hopefully he feels better in the morning.
And Cassi went to Lily Binghams house after school.
So while Madi and Elsie hung out with dad, I ran to the store to get some MORE necessities.
It has been SO LONG since I have done a planned out trip to the store.
I keep making little trips, and I am sure I am spending twice as much money as I would if I could just get organized.
Oh well.....someday.
Tonight for YW, we had a service project here at our house.
I didn't plan it.
So don't be thinkin' I am taking advantage of my YW calling!!!!!
I felt silly for them to come out here, but they insisted.
We got a lot of stuff cleaned, floors swept, junk picked up outside.
It was so great and they were so helpful!
They are such great girls....and we have A LOT of them!!!!!
It was a good chance for them to get to know each other better, and for us to get to know the new girls too.
Cassi and Elsie helped out too.
Fun for Cassi, cause it's not too long until she is one of the Beehives :)
And Elsie made a bunch of new friends.
It was a fun night :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Oh Kim - that x-ray! I hope and pray that surgery won't be needed!

Such great Young Women!

The stairs are beautiful!!