Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday April 22

Dad had a Dr appt early this morning.
So Vern took the little ones to school and Cassi walked with Avery.
The appt went good.
It was the pain management dr.
But he sure made us more thankful for how things ended up.
He told us that every other patient he has had with a burst fracture at the T11/T12 spot have never been able to walk again.
And much worse.
I mean, I won't lie, this really totally sucks.
But I still can't believe how blessed we have been.
Things should have been so much worse.
So much worse!!!!!
But it's not.
Dr said that Brent's was given a second chance at life.
He also said he hopes we don;t have to do the surgery.
Of course we are wanting to avoid it too....but even more so now.
He said it is a messy surgery.
He said when you look at x-rays of someone with that part of their back fused, he said it doesn't even look human.
So I hope that was incentive to continue to be careful and really just take it easy.
He just needs to heal.
It has really been so hard for him.
We are at over 4 months now since the surgery in December.
4 months of not being able to go to work.
4 months of not working out.
4 months of not being able to get the things done that he wants to.
I don't care who you are, that takes a toll.
He has good and bad days.
I know this will all get better.
I know he will heal.
Sometimes it is just hard.
Stairs guy got some more done today.
He got some posts set, and the hand rail started.
So exciting!!!!
It just looks so pretty!
For YW we had a combined activity.
It was a 'bridging the gap' activity.
We invited some of the older people in the ward, and we mingled the kids with them.
It was a fun night.
At we had a Hula lesson at the end.
Lots of fun :)

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