Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saturday April 18

Today we got a lot of work done.
Rooms clean, dishes done, clothes leaned and put away.
The kids were all really helpful.
Dad had a rough day today.
Stayed in bed a lot of it and didn't eat much.
 But he is feeling a bit better this evening.
So that's good.
Hopefully tomorrow will be an easier day.
Later in the day, Cassi went to Avery's house and they made a sweet treat.
And back at home Madi and Elsie made some lemon bars.
We also got a package int he mail today.
Dussy boy sent Elsie a Buffalo (Wyoming) flag.
They also sent some quilts that were made for our family by the Uinta Piecemakers.
How sweet is that?????
Dussy also sent us the newspaper that had our accident on the front page.
Always fun to get fun stuff in the mail :)

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