Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday December 24

New tradition born tonight.....
This year out of necessity, but they think it will be fun to do every year.
They took Cassi'a box spring and mattress and Elsie's mattress and stacked it all up on Porter mattress and shoved it all next to Madi's bed (which is really Port's bed....) for one extra large big bed for all of them.
Elsie and Cassi's room opens right up into the front room where the tree is.
I didn't want anyone busting out too early.....
Now they are in Port and Madi's room and I covered the doorway to the tree.
It is funny the things you do.
I totally remember my mom blocking off the walkway by the tree to the kitchen so no one could peak until we had all eaten breakfast.
We didn't get them to bed until late :(
I still have a lot to do before the big guys comes.
But we had such a nice night together.
Opening jammies, making Santa and reindeer treats, and then ending with the reading of the Christmas Story.
We always have a kid shine the flashlight towards the nativity scene while dad reads the scriptures.
Tonight it just made the most beautiful shadows.
It really was beautiful.
There was lots of fighting tonight.
But I know that things have been hectic and crazy around here this last week or so.
So I should give them, all of us, a break.
I just pray that we can have peace in our home tomorrow and we can just enjoy each other.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

What a fun new tradition!! Merry Christmas Eve!!