Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Tuesday December 2

I kept Elsie home today because she had a mild fever.
She was right at 100, and she said she didn't feel good.
Well, she kind of made it hard today for me to get the stuff done that I wanted too!!!
Oh well.
What can ya do???
She wasn't too bad today, just a little whiney and moody.
She still had a small fever when the kids were all home from school.
We will see how things go and hopefully she is feeling better tomorrow.
It got harder to get anything done once Porter was home from school.
I usually can't just leave them without there being lots of fighting, yelling and teasing.
Elsie is very much like Madi's personality, and Porter is just like Cassi.
Anyway......so things got done....just not the big plans I had for today.
After the little ones went to bed, I noticed that Port had his Ninja suit hung up and ready for tomorrow.
He has worn the same thing for a few days now.
Not to school, but after school.
He cracks me up.
It has to be black, gray and there can be some red.
Makes me laugh.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Sorry you weren't able to get your big stuff done today. :o(

Hope Elsie is better today! Love Porter's ninja outfit!!