Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday February 22

We had our baby bunnies last night.
Cassi was so excited to be the first one to see them.
Not sure how many Rodeo had.....she made an ultra fuzzy nest this time, which I hope it good for the babies.
So I hope they survive.
It is always fun to have baby bunnies around....
Plus, this is perfect timing to have the bunnies ready to sell by Easter time.
Fun stuff.
There wasn't much of a plan today.
Madi and Cassi spent the morning working on some secret project, I think it has to do with my upcoming birthday :)
Then Cassi's friend Bailey came over to play for a while.
And then it flooded with friends here.
Max and Graham came over, and then a little bit later, Carly came over with Cannon .
They all played good and I did a little painting, along with laundry and dishes.
Stacia's birthday is tomorrow, so we planned to go to lunch this afternoon, but she decided she would rather go and see 'Saving Mr. Banks' at the $ theatre.
So that's what we did.
It was a really great movie, I really liked it.
And we had a fun time.

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