Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday August 26

Today has been a rough day.
Everyone here is feeling some stress.....and lack of sleep!
Port has been the worst though.
I don't know what has gotten into him.
I told him tonight that he gets me to himself all day tomorrow....maybe we can mellow him out a bit.
Tonight was the meet and greet for Cassi and Elsie.
I also am in charge of the t-shirt sales for the school.
So I sat at a table all night and tried to get people to buy school shirts :)
But I also got around to meet Elsie's teacher and Cassi's teacher.
I am excited about both.
Mostly I am excited that Miss. Jodie is one of Elsie's aids again.
She will have three aids throughout the day, and Miss. Jodie will be the first one, which is gonna work out perfectly!
I am trying not to think about it all too much....I just hope it all runs smoothly!
I am excited about Cassi's teacher.
It's not the one she wanted....but I think she will be even better for Cassi then the one she wanted.
And Cassi is very excited about her too, which hopefully will make this year easier than last year.
She said she would be good this year.
Anyway, now I am trying to get the kitchen cleaned up so I can make them an awesome 'Back to School' breakfast.
And it will be nicer if it is in a clean kitchen :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

It will be a great school year! Love you guys!!