Monday, July 01, 2013

Monday July 1

We spent a couple hours today swimming with the Young's on this record breaking heat day.
I think the high was 108 today.
It's always fun when we hang out with the Young's :)
I did have to run out for about an hour and a half to take Elsie to go get some more measurements for her knee braces.
She also got to pick a color.
She chose pink and I told her we could go find buffalo stickers to put on them.
That made her very excited.
I saw a picture of the style and they aren't as bulky as I was thinking.
Hopefully they will work.
We also got the approval letter from the insurance company the other day that they will cover it.
So that is awesome too.
Anyway, we got back and swam again.
The Lucas kids were there too, here for the Young family reunion.
Port thought it was great to have Cody around, and kept reminding Cody that 'He was his new friend'.
The kids were trying fun stuff off the diving board and the Dads were throwing kids around.
Aubree was the most impressive with her back bend/kick over thingy into the pool.
Port loved jumping off the diving board and being thrown.
It was funny to watch their faces and limbs as they flew through the air......goofy kids.
Madi kept arching her back, making it hard for Dad to throw her good.
So we told her to lean forward a bit.....well, she leaned forward too far.
Silly girl.
After swimming, Kara and Aubree came home with us and they played for a little while.
I just love those girls.
I am so happy that our girls have such a great relationship with them.
One that has grown and stayed strong over the years.
It is fun to watch them grow up together.
They are good girls and great examples for my girls.