Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Tuesday April 2

I cannot wait for it to be beautiful weather all the time.
I am actually excited for school to be out.
It is coming close :)
I am sure after a few weeks, I will be ready to send them back.
But I am excited for us to all work together again.....
I feel like there is no time to do much together once the kiddos get home from school.
I am feeling a bit better, I slept better last night.
So that's good.
Brent was outside all day on the tractor.
His back is hurting him, but he's got to get himself outside or he would go crazy :)
He plowed up my garden today....so that is exciting!
Now I need to get stuff planned out.
I know I need to get peas in ASAP!
We are gonna lay down the black stuff this year, and hopefully we can stay on top of the weeds!
But I plan to be better at gardening and preserving that garden this year.

1 comment:

Young family said...

glad you guys are back and are doing better. Hoping to see posts of your vegas trip soon-