Friday, November 02, 2012

Friday November 2

Madi has a few friends over this afternoon/evening.
She is finding a good little group of friends.
It is a critical time in life....and the friends you choose to hang out with will make a huge difference.
The girls have had a fun time playing has been a beautiful day.
Now they are downstairs watching a movie.
We should be wrapping the night up soon.
I am glad she got to do this.
And she has been so good about letting Cassi hang out with her and her friends.
So that is good.
Brent and I voted today.
He will be working on election day, so we thought it would be good to get out and just get it done.
We waited for a total of two hours.
That is a long time for the two little ones that we toted along with us!
But they did so good.
And that is pretty much all we did today.
Brent did some catching up on some much needed sleep.
I am sure his clock is gonna be off for a while.....and with the time change I am sure it will be even worse.
But he is doing good.
It is good to have him home.

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