Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday October 25

Madi had her first choir concert today.
She was very excited about it.
She really enjoys choir....well, she really enjoys school.
She was a little bummed that Dad couldn't find a trade to cover him for a couple hours.....
But he was the only one on shift qualified to drive the he had to miss this performance.
That's okay, there will be more.
And I video taped it for him :)
When she got home from school I asked her if we had to dress up.
She said that we didn't, but that I couldn't wear one of dads big shirts and irrigation boots.
Ha ha.....can you tell what I usually dress in.
I thought it was funny.
Anyway.....after a run-around afternoon, we got everyone to the concert.
Port sat with me for a little bit but then I sent him out to run in the halls with Cassi, cause he was being so noisy.
I spent a small fortune in the vending machine to keep the kids occupied.
After the 6th graders sang, I went out with the kids and waited in the halls while the 7th and 8th graders sang.
And more change spent to get chocolate milks.
It wasn't a horrible night.
I did get to hear Madi sing.....and I did get it recorded.
Not the best recording while Port was on my lap....but it is still recorded for Daddy to see :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Simply gorgeous Madi! I want to see the video of you singing!

I love the other kids with their drinks! :o)