Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday September 13

Another cross country meet today.
It was a good one.
It was at Lake Hazel.
So this time we could really compare her times, cause the course is the same.
So two weeks ago she ran it in 14:47.
Today she ran it in 13:08!
That is a great improvement in two weeks!
Great job Bell.
The kids run in two groups.
I don;t think on purpose, that is just how it happens....
The fast ones and the slower ones.
There is always a gap once the faster ones pass finish.
Well, Madi broke past the slower group today and was at the end of the fast group!
Way to go Madi!!!
We were so proud of her and she was so happy!
She will be missing next week.....(don't tell her, but dad is taking her and Cassi to the BSU vs. BYU game next Thursday as a surprise!)
But I can't wait to see how she does next time.
Funny little side note:
The crowd kept yelling Go Elsie!!!
So we figured that someone on one of the other teams must have been named Elsie.
When they passed us the first time they were yelling go Elsie, so we figured it was the girl in first place.
But then they continues to yell GO Elsie through the whole race.
Then it dawns on me....
One of the teams they were racing was Lewis and Clark Middle.
Duh! was funny :)

She likes to time herself :)
Dad took a few hours off at work so he could be there for her meet.
After she ran, we came home and the boys had to fix the BBQ so we could have some burgers.
Porter was so excited that he found his wrench earlier today, so he was set and ready to help Dad out :)
Those boys sure are cute together.

After dinner they all did some wrestling.
dad got them all wound up and crazy and then left for work.
Great job Dad!
As a side note....I really wish I could shoot better pictures in the full sunlight.
I don't know why I can't figure it out.....but it makes me mad!


Emily Peterson said...

Awesome job Madi Bell!!!!

Young family said...

Great job Madi!- So, how far do they run?
Better Pictures???? every picture you take is great!
See you tomorrow-