Saturday, June 02, 2012

Saturday May 2

Today was a special day.
Aydo potato got Baptized today!
I was so happy that we were able to be a part of her special day.
after her baptism, we went to the park with them where they had a fun BBQ with family and friends.
Elsie had a birthday party for Nick that she got invited to.
It was a water party....and she is not fond of I knew it would be okay for us to miss that part.
I left the big girls to play at the park with Jenni's kids and cousins and I took the little ones to Nick's party just in time for cake and presents.
After that we went back and hung out with the Terry's for much of the day.
We sure miss playing with them everyday.

So I guess we have build a catwalk instead of a deck :)
The kids played all evening on the deck.
They took all our dressups out....which consist of all past halloween costumes....
Then they laid out two red sheets for their 'red carpet'.
Madi gave them a quick 'model walk' lesson......
And then the party started :)

Elsie had quite the awesome model walk :)

Porter didn't have much selection in the outfit department....
But he did make this little outfit work into a cape of sorts.
Silly boy.

I think the big girls have this Model thing down.

It is gonna be nice when we get some railings on there so I don't panic every time they get within 5 feet of the edge :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

So funny!!! Love all of their poses! :o)